GROMACS version: GROMACS/2023.3
GROMACS modification: No
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I have been performing chemical potential calculations for water using GROMACS by partitioning the solvent in a simulation of water + monovalent salts (ex: KCl and NaCl). Hence the simulation box contains SOL, 1 SWM (special water molecule but with same itp file with tip4pew–changing SOL to SWM) and corresponding ions. I have followed the decoupling of the van der Waals and electrostatic interactions in two ways (i) first decoupling the electrostatics, then van der Waals interactions (using coul_lambdas and vdw_lambdas sets of lambda parameters), and (ii) uncoupling both at the same time (using one common set of lambda parameters controlled by fep_lambdas). However the two methods, provide drastically different results (with error bars far away from overlapping) for chemical potential as a function of salt concentration. The trend is similar but the potential goes down much faster using fep_lambdas (second method). The first method provides more reasonable results (compared to literature). I am using the same lambda spacing in both methods and have repeated the calculation multiple times but the outcome persists.
I was wondering if anyone has noted this before for water and whether there is a reasonable explanation to such conflicting results. Any feedback would be appreciated.