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Here post your question: How to generate ligand .gro file .itp file and .prm file for OPLS force field by using Gromacs via gromacs/share/top/oplsaa.ff/ —> vi aminoacids.rtp
How?? to perform and create my ligand OPLSAA ff i have tried from LigParGen and TopolGen also but i got different error in each ff used atomtype 900 and atomtype opls_810.
so i am asking how to do from gromacs above mention method.
If your topology introduces new atom types (or any force field parameters), the #include statement that calls it must precede any declaration of a [moleculetype]. Basically, the entire force field has to be established before any molecule can be created within it.
While my tutorial is written for CHARMM, the procedure is exactly the same: Protein-Ligand Complex
i have used different prm file
then it shows this error:
WARNING 1 [file unk.prm, line 1]:
Too few gb parameters for type !
so i have changed this ! → ;
after adding the semicolon in before BOND same error will come
then after i used the different “param” file and changes done in the topology file, also added the semicolon in whole file then after again i get this error as shown in below image
Most of the parameter files you’re showing are not for use with GROMACS. Only the last one is, and you’ve got all the lines commented out, which renders it nonfunctional. You can’t use files for AMBER, NAMD, or CHARMM. Only use GROMACS-compatible files.
If there are auxiliary files they provide, they must be in GROMACS format, and as I said before, to add parameters, you must #include that topology file immediately after the parent force field.
@jalemkul is there a program to convert Q-chem q.prm files to GROMACs prm files? There is actually a *charmm.prm file from ligpargen. This might be better input for conversion to GROMACs prm file if there exists a converter already.
Now that I re-read everything I just wrote, I don’t think ligpargen will create something like that of the jz4.prm file with “new dihedral parameters” that comes out of All this information is inside the *.gmx.itp file from ligpargen.
Because there is no requirement to do things this way. Parameters can be added from any source, as long as the correct topology structure is observed. Parameters that appear in the .prm file from the CGenFF conversion script have not necessarily been validated or optimized in any way, so adding them to ffbonded.itp or even mentioning that maybe they should be would be extremely misleading, especially to new users who may start trying to hack those files.
Dear gromacs users, I’m working protein ligand binding simulation. I can’t prepare ligand topology, my ligand is ZnALA(Lipoic acid and Zn complex)
My problem is the ligand molecule
I can’t upload a file in ligand mol2 format to sites like Swisparam, LigPerGen, because the ligand I’m using contains an organic molecule and a metal