GROMACS version: 2019
GROMACS modification: No
Dear all,
I write this post after having made some extensive research. Unfortunately, couldn’t find the correct hints to solve the problem - forgive me, please bear this in mind. I’d highly appreciate all your help.
Statement of the problem
I’m trying to build the topology file for the crystal structure of calcite (CaCO3) to run MD.
Some info about the crystallographic cell
The space group is R-3C, highly symmetric. The primitive unit cell is rhombohedral and the conventional cell is hexagonal.
The experimental cif file is here:
Calcite_I_exp.cif.dat (1.8 KB) -
The pdb file can be easily obtained with:
ase convert Calcite_I_exp.cif Calcite_I_exp.pdb
and is here:
Calcite_I_exp_ase.pdb.dat (2.4 KB)
I think the hexagonal cell could be a good starting point for the Gromacs MD simulation, but please feel free to suggest other better options.
Force field for the topology
The force field I’d like to use is the one described here (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141 (2014) 547–566) in Table 3.
I transcribe here the content:
Table 3 :
The CO3 groups are assumed to be flexible with C–O bonds modeled with harmonic oscillators (stretching constant kC–O = 6118.17 kJ/mol/A˚^2 at an equilibrium distance r(C–O) = 1.16 A˚)
and with an exponential repulsion between the oxygen atoms to prevent the folding of the molecule (uOO(r)= Bexp(-r/rho) where B = 2611707.2 kJ/mol and rho = 0.22 A˚).
In the melt the Ca cations and the CO3 groups interact with each other through coulombic forces (with qCa =+1.64202 e, qC = +1.04085 e and qO = -0.89429 e), atom–atom repulsive forces (urep_ij (r) = B_ij exp (r/rho_ij) and dispersive forces (udisp_ij (r) = C_ij / r^6)
where Bij, qij and Cij are parameters given below:
What have I tried
I’ve intensely studied the documentation about the topology file format here,
and using this knowledge I’ve transcribed the information in Table 3 onto Gromacs topology format, as shown here: (2.0 KB)
However, you may see there are only one Ca, one C and one O entry per parameter. I do not quite know how to extend this parameter info to the 30 atom hexagonal cell.
Is there a way of doing this?
Many thanks,
All the best