Hello everyone,
Im trying to add NH3 terminal in the amber forcefield by modifying the rtp entry as below
[ NH3 ]
[ atoms ]
N N -0.267522 ; charge from RESP
H1 H 0.422507 ; charge from RESP
H2 H 0.422507 ; charge from RESP
H3 H 0.422507 ; charge from RESP
[ bonds ]
N H1
N H2
N H3
-C N ; bond to the previous C-terminus
[ impropers ]
N H1 H2 H3
when i invoke pdb2gmx i get the following error
Reading residue database... (Amber99sb-ildn)
Opening force field file ./amber99sb-ildn.ff/aminoacids.rtp
Program: gmx pdb2gmx, version 2023.3
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/resall.cpp (line 465)
Fatal error:
in .rtp file in residue NH3 at line:
N N -0.267522