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Hi, All
I wanted to perform go martini simulation for my transmembrane protein with lipid bilayer. During energy minimisation step I got coordinate number mismatch error.
Approximately 377 more atoms are present in my system topology file than in my coordinate file (system.fix.gro). I repeated the simulation three times over. However, I continue to receive this problem.
This was the command-line i have followed
gmx editconf -f 7CW4_cg.pdb -o 7CW4_cg.gro -box 22 22 22 -bt cubic -rotate 0 360 270
insane -f 7CW4_cg.gro -o system.gro -p -pbc square -box 28,28,25 -l POPC:20 -l POPE:3 -l CHOL:4 -center -sol W -charge auto -dm -0.1 -d 1 -salt 0.15
gmx make_ndx -f system.gro -o index.ndx
gmx editconf -f system.gro -o system-fix.gro -n index.ndx
gmx grompp -p -c system-fix.gro -f minimization.mdp -o minimization.tpr -r system-fix.gro
gmx mdrun -deffnm minimization -v
Here are the contents of my and system.fix.gro files: (585 Bytes)
system-fix.gro.txt (7.1 MB)
Can someone please give me any ideas on how to fix this error?