GROMACS quotes appearing in data

GROMACS version: 2022
GROMACS modification: No

I’ve run into an… odd… problem, and I was hoping someone might have some idea about what’s going on.

I have a trajectory in a .trr file, and I need to dump its contents into a human-readable text file. So I run a simple command:

gmx dump -f trajectory.trr >> output.txt

And then when I go to view output.txt, everything mostly looks fine, except that something like this occurs in a few places:

v[ 101]={-2.22657e-01, 1.78594e-01, -3.82683e-01}
v[ 102]={-2.60904e-01, -4.99799e-01, -1.88709e-01}
v[ 10
GROMACS reminds you: “Hey, it’s me - Pandora. Welcome to my new unboxing video!” (Anonymous)
3]={-8.45824e-01, 9.92763e-01, -3.37716e-02}
v[ 104]={ 7.05995e-02, -1.66550e-02, 5.46989e-01}
v[ 105]={-2.61409e-01, 8.47426e-02, -4.36104e-02}

I am pretty sure that this is occurring at this step in my workflow (the gmx dump command), because if I try the command again on the same .trr, the exact same problem occurs in the exact same places (ie: velocity number 103 in the last frame, v[ 10(GROMACS QUOTE)3]=…), but with different quotes each time I run the dump command.

I… really have no clue what’s happening. Has anyone else run into this?

For gmx dump, the quote is written to stderr, the data content to stdout. It seems that somehow your shell is redirecting both to stdout - this may be because your are using an exotic shell (?) or due to your operating system setting. Maybe try something like gmx dump ... 1> output.txt 2> error.txt, on bash shell in a standard terminal?