How to use Clay.ff with gromacs for molecular dynamics simulation of mica

Hi ,
I want to study the adsorption of reagents on the muscovite surface.
I am trying to use Clay.ff with Gromacs.
Clay.ff downloaded form the link: (GitHub - thomasunderwood/ClayFF: A GROMACS implementation of the ClayFF force field)
But I can not find the bonding parameters in ffbonded.itp for all atom of muscovite.
Or if there is any other force field for muscovite and how to creat the topology file of muscovite?
I have been stucked in this problem for many days. Can any help me? Thanks very much

In your model is the clay rigid or flexible ?

Dear askforarun

Thank you very much for your response. In my model, the clay is frozen, does this mean that the bond parameters of the clay are not particularly important?