GROMACS version: 2021.4
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
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I am a new gromacs user with previous experience in md simulations and I have to simulate a part of the photosystem II complex. My system has a protein core bonded with carotenoids and chlorophylls embedded in a POPC lipid bilayer.
After obtaining pdb structure files from pdb data bank, I obtained the parameters for the new molecules in my system, namely the carotenoid and chlorophylls, from academic resources, in the form of .itp files. Reading around in the manual and forums, I got to know that these files are usually included in files, as was done in the protein-ligand complex tutorial by Dr. Lemkul. The issue I am facing is that the pdb crystal structure files lack atoms like hydrogen, resulting in a mismatch in the number of atoms from the itp files. Due to this mismatch, I face errors like mismatch in number of coordinates in my gro and top files during solvation and other such steps.
I have tried looking for solutions, here is what I have come across so far and why it isn’t working for me:
- For adding missing hydrogen atoms to my pdb files, pdb2gmx can be used, but in my case since these molecules are new, I get a fatal error “Residue XXX not found in residue topology database”
- Making some edits in the GMXLIB directory files, like editing the rtp, residuetypes.dat files and so on. But in this case my new molecules aren’t amino acids, DNA, RNA etc, instead carotenoids and chlorophylls so how do I deal with such molecules?
- Parametrizing these by myself . I haven’t ever done that and the gromacs manual says that its too much work even for an expert. Also, since they are such big molecules and extremely important for my study, I prefer using previously verified parameters instead of coming up with new ones, to make my research reliable. Having said so, I am willing to learn more about it and get to doing the parametrization but even for that I’d need some tips and guidance.
All in all, Can anyone please tell me a way in which I can simulate my system involving new molecules, preferably using my previously obtained .itp parameter? If any of the above mentioned avenue can help me out, Could anyone please guide me as to how to apply the solution to my system in particular?
I would really be grateful for any sort of help. Thank you so much for reading through. I am tagging a few people who I think might be able to help as my previous posts haven’t been able to reach much people.
@jalemkul @MagnusL @milosz.wieczor @alevilla
Thank you so much for your time and help.