MdrunIOTests failed

GROMACS version: 2023.1
GROMACS modification: No
cmake is version 3.18.4

Installing GROMACS 2023.1 on Ubuntu, make check failed 1 test: MdrunIOTests.
ctest -R MdrunIOTests --output-on-failure &> full_output.log
yields a file, but I can’t upload it because I’m a “new user”, so perhaps I can upload it after making this post.

Still can’t upload the log file; I don’t know what it takes to no longer be a new user.
This post (Stuck at 'make': undefined reference to `__kmpc_...' - #9 by al42and) seems very similar to mine, but I wanted to report anyway in case this is useful info for someone.

Hi! If you want to share logs, you can use Google Drive or any other 3rd-party service.