Running simulation with a Packmol box

GROMACS version: 2021.4
GROMACS modification: Yes/No


I am facing a problem when running a simulation with a box created with Packmol. My box has 100 molecules of water and I created a file as:

; Include forcefield parameters
#include “oplsaa.ff/forcefield.itp”

; and the SPC/E water model.
#include “oplsaa.ff/spce.itp”

[ system ]
; Name

[ molecules ]
SOL 100

I also created a .gro file with editconf.

However, when I try to run a simulation, I get problems like:

atom name 1 in /home/maria/Documents/simulations/water_18042024/output_files/ and /home/maria/Documents/simulations/water_18042024/output_files/box.gro does not match (OW - O)

Do you know how to solve this?


The atom name and sequence in your .gro file should be same as in the .itp file.
The atom of water in spc.itp is OW, HW1 and HW2

[ atoms ]
; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass
1 opls_116 1 SOL OW 1 -0.8476
2 opls_117 1 SOL HW1 1 0.4238
3 opls_117 1 SOL HW2 1 0.4238

So you need to adjust the .gro file.