The meaning of the md.log file in gromacs-plumed simulation and GPU usage is very low

GROMACS version: 2023.5-plumed_2.10.0_dev
GROMACS modification: Yes/No

Hi Gromacs-plumed users, I am runing a RNA system with 460,000 atoms based on REST2 method. The minmum and maximum temperature are 300K and 1000K, respectively, and lambda=5 (5 replicas). Although it has been runed 15ns, no exchange replica happens. Is this normal? my command is:

def perform_rest2(repl_num):

directories = [f'rest2_{i}' for i in range(repl_num)]
print ('directories=', directories)[
    'mpiexec', '--allow-run-as-root', '-np', f'{repl_num}', '--oversubscribe', 
    'gmx_mpi', 'mdrun', '-pin', 'on', '-s', 'topol.tpr', '-multidir', *directories, 
    '-plumed', '../plumed.dat', '-replex', '200', '-hrex'])

The problem is the output in the md.log file: there are two terms of dE_Term. what does they mean respectively? could someone explain the meaning of each line?

Repl 0 ↔ 1 dE_term = -0.000e+00 (kT)
dplumed = 7.619e+02 dE_Term = 7.619e+02 (kT)

The following is md.log file capture in the simulation with 20 replicas. Does this log information looks like right? Thank you!!!

Another problem is the GPU usage is almost 0. How to solve this:

It’s possible someone will be able to reply here, but I think you would get more help from the Plumed mailing lists, see Need help? | plumed by plumed.

Thank you, MagnusL.