GROMACS version: 2021.6
GROMACS modification: No
Here post your question:
I was following Prof. Groot’s tutorial on non-equilibrium free energy calculation at
and tried to run with GROMACS 2021.6. I kept having the ‘Fatal error: Topology include file “ffgmx.itp” not found’ until
found an older version of gromacs and downloaded some of the old files required, including ffgmx.itp, ff_dump.itp, ffgmxbon.itp, ffgmxnb.itp, GROMACS/share/top at master · aar2163/GROMACS · GitHub
I then copied these files to the /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top folder, and the error messages concerning these .itp files disappeared.
However, I am now having new error messages:
Fatal error:
Syntax error - File spc.itp, line 1
Last line read:
'#error This top-level .itp file has been removed. Edit your topology to
include it from your force field directory instead, e.g. “oplsaa.ff/spc.itp”’
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at Common Errors — GROMACS webpage documentation
so what does this mean??
where is the force field directory?
Here is the topology file('s content:
; Include forcefield parameters
#include “ffgmx.itp”
[ moleculetype ]
; NAme nrexcl
NA 1
[ atoms ]
; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass typeB chargeB massB
1 NA 1 NA NA 1 0 22.98980 NA 1 22.98980
; Include water topology
#include “spc.itp”
[ system ]
; NAme
NA+ in water
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
SOL 431
NA 1 (END)
Here is the initial log:
GROMACS: gmx grompp, version 2021.6
Executable: /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
Data prefix: /usr/local/gromacs
Working dir: /Users/jiangxu/Documents/gromacs_tutorial/MD_tutorial_Groot/non_equilibrium_free_energy_calculation/practicum_crooks/fast_FWD
Command line:
gmx grompp -f forward.mdp -c fwd_snapshot.pdb -o fwb_run.tpr -p
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘cpp’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘domain-decomposition’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘andersen_seed’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘dihre’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘dihre-fc’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘dihre-tau’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘nstdihreout’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘nstcheckpoint’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘optimize_fft’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘gb_algorithm’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘nstgbradii’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘rgbradii’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘gb_saltconc’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘ns-type’
Replacing old mdp entry ‘unconstrained-start’ by ‘continuation’
Replacing old mdp entry ‘nstxtcout’ by ‘nstxout-compressed’
Replacing old mdp entry ‘xtc-precision’ by ‘compressed-x-precision’
NOTE 1 [file forward.mdp]:
Setting nstcalcenergy (100) equal to nstdhdl (50)
NOTE 2 [file forward.mdp]:
nstcomm < nstcalcenergy defeats the purpose of nstcalcenergy, setting
nstcomm to nstcalcenergy
NOTE 3 [file forward.mdp]:
The Berendsen thermostat does not generate the correct kinetic energy
distribution. You might want to consider using the V-rescale thermostat.
Program: gmx grompp, version 2021.6
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/gmxcpp.cpp (line 298)
Fatal error:
Topology include file “ffgmx.itp” not found
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
Here is the new error message:
GROMACS: gmx grompp, version 2021.6
Executable: /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
Data prefix: /usr/local/gromacs
Working dir: /Users/jiangxu/Documents/gromacs_tutorial/MD_tutorial_Groot/non_equilibrium_free_energy_calculation/practicum_crooks/fast_FWD
Command line:
gmx grompp -f forward.mdp -c fwd_snapshot.pdb -o fwd_run.tpr -p
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘cpp’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘domain-decomposition’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘andersen_seed’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘dihre’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘dihre-fc’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘dihre-tau’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘nstdihreout’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘nstcheckpoint’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘optimize_fft’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘gb_algorithm’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘nstgbradii’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘rgbradii’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘gb_saltconc’
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry ‘ns-type’
Replacing old mdp entry ‘unconstrained-start’ by ‘continuation’
Replacing old mdp entry ‘nstxtcout’ by ‘nstxout-compressed’
Replacing old mdp entry ‘xtc-precision’ by ‘compressed-x-precision’
NOTE 1 [file forward.mdp]:
Setting nstcalcenergy (100) equal to nstdhdl (50)
NOTE 2 [file forward.mdp]:
nstcomm < nstcalcenergy defeats the purpose of nstcalcenergy, setting
nstcomm to nstcalcenergy
NOTE 3 [file forward.mdp]:
The Berendsen thermostat does not generate the correct kinetic energy
distribution. You might want to consider using the V-rescale thermostat.
Generated 1284 of the 1485 non-bonded parameter combinations
Program: gmx grompp, version 2021.6
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/topio.cpp (line 466)
Fatal error:
Syntax error - File spc.itp, line 1
Last line read:
'#error This top-level .itp file has been removed. Edit your topology to
include it from your force field directory instead, e.g. “oplsaa.ff/spc.itp”’
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at Common Errors — GROMACS webpage documentation