Dear Sir,
I hope this email finds you well. I am currently facing an issue with my simulation setup and visualization process. To provide context, I have been working on creating a cubic box with acetone solvent for simulation purposes. Initially, I obtained the GROMACS topology using the ligand reader and force field converter in CHARMM-GUI. Subsequently, I constructed a cubic box and inserted 3000 acetone solvent molecules into it using the command “gmx insert-molecules -ci acetone.gro -nmol 3000 -o solacetone.gro -box 10.00 10.00 10.00”. Following this, I performed energy minimization. However, upon attempting to visualize the em.gro and em.trr files, I noticed an unexpected abundance of lines when loading em.trr. I’m unsure why this is occurring and if the steps I’ve followed are correct. For your convenience, I have attached a link to all files present in my folder and included a VMD image. Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Looking forward to your guidance.
Best regards,