GROMACS version:2023.3-PLUMED_spack
GROMACS modification: No
Here post your question
I’m running on a Cray super computer, so I don’t have write permissions in the $GMXLIB/share/gromacs/top
So I put the contents of the charmm force field download:
into a directory called
inside my working directory (where I launch gmx_mpi)
But gmx_mpi pdb2gmx
does not find these force fields.
It only offers me force fields that it finds in Data Prefix /share/gromacs/top
Here is the output, which confirms my current working directory is where I launched the gmx_mpi command:
gmx_mpi pdb2gmx -ignh -f 6rhy_model1chainA.pdb -o 6rhy_processed.gro -water tip4p
:-) GROMACS - gmx pdb2gmx, 2023.3-PLUMED_spack (-:
Executable: /opt/software/gaia/prod/3.0.0/spack_path_placeholder/spack_path_placeholder/spack_path_placeholder/__spack_path_plac/gromacs-2023.3-cce-17.0.0-xogq/bin/gmx_mpi
Data prefix: /opt/software/gaia/prod/3.0.0/spack_path_placeholder/spack_path_placeholder/spack_path_placeholder/__spack_path_plac/gromacs-2023.3-cce-17.0.0-xogq
Working dir: /lus/home/CT7/cad15071/rscott/gromacs_charmm
Command line:
gmx_mpi pdb2gmx -ignh -f 6rhy_model1chainA.pdb -o 6rhy_processed.gro -water tip4p
Select the Force Field:
From ‘/opt/software/gaia/prod/3.0.0/spack_path_placeholder/spack_path_placeholder/spack_path_placeholder/__spack_path_plac/gromacs-2023.3-cce-17.0.0-xogq/share/gromacs/top’:
1: AMBER03 protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Duan et al., J. Comp. Chem. 24, 1999-2012, 2003)
2: AMBER94 force field (Cornell et al., JACS 117, 5179-5197, 1995)
3: AMBER96 protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Kollman et al., Acc. Chem. Res. 29, 461-469, 1996)
4: AMBER99 protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Wang et al., J. Comp. Chem. 21, 1049-1074, 2000)
5: AMBER99SB protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Hornak et al., Proteins 65, 712-725, 2006)
6: AMBER99SB-ILDN protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Lindorff-Larsen et al., Proteins 78, 1950-58, 2010)
7: AMBERGS force field (Garcia & Sanbonmatsu, PNAS 99, 2782-2787, 2002)
8: CHARMM27 all-atom force field (CHARM22 plus CMAP for proteins)
9: GROMOS96 43a1 force field
10: GROMOS96 43a2 force field (improved alkane dihedrals)
11: GROMOS96 45a3 force field (Schuler JCC 2001 22 1205)
12: GROMOS96 53a5 force field (JCC 2004 vol 25 pag 1656)
13: GROMOS96 53a6 force field (JCC 2004 vol 25 pag 1656)
14: GROMOS96 54a7 force field (Eur. Biophys. J. (2011), 40, 843-856, DOI: 10.1007/s00249-011-0700-9)
15: OPLS-AA/L all-atom force field (2001 aminoacid dihedrals)
And that’s all. No other options!