GROMACS version: 2023.3 (and 2024.1)
GROMACS modification: Yes
When I’ve previously run simulation generated by CHARMM-GUI, I have always used the forcefield.itp file with the CHARMM36 GROMACS port. However, I also have CHARMM36 installed in my local GROMACS repository (with modifications to lipid.rtp to include decanoic acid). When I’m running simulations on membranes from memgen, I have been using the forcefield.itp file from older charmm-gui simulations, but I’m not sure if there is a better way to incorporate my native charmm36 force field (ex. adding the path to my file)- does anyone have advice or feedback on how to do this (or if I am ok to proceed with the forcefield.itp)? Thank you so much in advance!