my name is Kasra and I am using the 2020.4 Gromacs version to simulate peptides. I decided to use charmm36-Aug2019 as a forcefield. I do not know which constraints(H_bonds or all_bonds) I should choose for my simulations. I want to know if the charmm36-Aug2019 is parameterized for H_bonds or all_bonds and if there is any solid reference for that.
Hi, i’m Damiano, PhD of Chemical and Material Science in University of Turin and i’m really new in this field. Concerning of gromos54a7_atb.ff obtain by atb tools, used to obtain the Autocorrelation function of energy difference between charge and neutral system for a box of 2000 of anthracene molecules it was good to use “constraints = h-bonds” and position restrain to the heavy atoms?