Fatal error: Cannot read from imput

GROMACS version: 2019.4
GROMACS modification: No
Here post your question: Hello Gromacs users. I want to extract 1 microsecond data from an xtc file. I use the command gmx_mpi trjconv -f MD_0_1.xtc -s MD_0_1.tpr -o extraccion.xtc -pbc whole -tu us -b 8 -e 9 >>> 0. I am using a cluster. But i had the following error: Cannot read from input. Can anyone help me?


Hello Poncho, try changing your -b and -e flag, default setting is in picoseconds, so convert your units accordingly. 1 us = 1000000 ps.
gmx_mpi trjconv -f MD_0_1.xtc -s MD_0_1.tpr -o extraccion.xtc -pbc whole -tu ps -b 8000000 -e 9000000
Still in doubt that it can solve your problem but maybe check it…
Also, see the following thread:


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