How to know which frame of trajectory has a minimum energy in free energy landscape analysis?

GROMACS version: 2019

Hi gromacs user,

I obtained the 2D plot of Free energy landscape using PC1 and PC2 from fel.txt file.
I used the following commands:

gmx_mpi covar -f final.xtc -s md.tpr -o eigenvalues.xvg -v eigenvectors.trr -xpma covapic.xpm
gmx_mpi anaeig -v eigenvectors.trr -f final.xtc -s md.tpr -proj pc1.xvg -first 1 -last 1
gmx_mpi anaeig -v eigenvectors.trr -f final.xtc -s md.tpr -proj pc2.xvg -first 2 -last 2
perl -i1 pc1.xvg -i2 pc2.xvg -data1 1 -data2 1 -o pc12.xvg
gmx_mpi sham -f pc12.xvg -ls fel.xpm
python -f fel.xpm -o fel.txt

How to know which frame has a minimum energy in 2D plot? which command should I use?

Any help will be appreciated.

how u convert it into a text file. Please suggest.


you can use this fel.txt file in origin lab software and obtain a 3d plot and then get the global minima coordinates.

I could find the coordinates of the free energy minima from origin 3D plot, but on checking the corresponding frame vs pc1 vs pc2 file, i could not find the respective pc1 and pc2 values, so i was unable to find the frame which contains the coordinates of the minima. Can anyone help please.