Hello everyone…
I’m interested in performing a simulation with the AMBER99SB-ILDN force field, but I need to phosphorylate certain residues in the protein.
However, I haven’t found the steps to obtain a pdb or gro file with the phosphorylated protein and residues.
If anyone could direct me to a tutorial or share the steps for phosphorylation…
Any information would be greatly appreciated in advance.
The structure part is usually simple - you can just copy/edit the atoms manually in VMD. You’ll need to choose the protonation states, that can depend on your local environment or target pH.
(If that’s too cumbersome for multiple modifications, I could still try to add a quick function to phosphorylate a residue in a structure; wouldn’t be too hard in the end. I see someone mentioning Chimera has this functionality though.)
For topology, Amber has official templates for phosphorylated AAs in .../dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.phosaa10 - if you have ambertools installed, you can convert this file to .rtp templates and extra bonded/nonbonded terms following this tutorial:
In my case, it was as easy as
import gromologist as gml
gml.amber2gmxFF('.../dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.phosaa10', 'pho.ff')
and then merging files from pho.ff into your FF files.