GROMACS version: 2021
GROMACS modification: No
I am currently trying to prepare an infinite ds-ZDNA (across PBC) system.
- I first built a 12 bp ZDNA from 3DNA and passed it through pdb2gmx to get the .gro and .top file
- I manually removed the last residues on both ends of the DNA in both the strands in the .top and .gro file
- I manually changed the bond definitions alone to make sure I maintain periodicity (For instance, I removed the bond entry between 28-O3’ (last O of 1st residue) and 29-P (first P of 2nd residue), replaced 343-O3’ (last O of 11th residue) bonded to 344-P (first P of 12th residue) with 29-P (first P of 2nd residue) and similarly for the other strand). I made no changes to angles/dihedrals etc.(I am not sure how the changes should be made)
However, I am unable to see the long bond connecting the two ends of the strand, across the box when I visualize the modified .gro file after solvent addition in VMD. Could someone help me figure out where I am making a mistake?