Issues Running GROMACS with Amber Force Field - Seeking Guidance

Dear GROMACS Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been successfully running simulations with the CHARMM force field but have recently started working with the Amber force field (AMBER99SB-ILDN for proteins and AMBER9 for nucleic acids) and have encountered some difficulties.

Here’s a summary of my process:

  1. Ligand Topology Generation: I used ACPYPE to generate topology files for my ligand, which resulted in .inpcrd, .frcmod, and .prmtop files.
  2. Conversion to GROMACS Format: I converted these files to .gro and .top formats using the following command:
acpype -p LIG_AC.prmtop -x LIG_AC.inpcrd

Incorporating Ligand Topology**: I included the ligand topology in my .top file with:

#include ""

Complex Preparation**: I created the ligand-protein complex and proceeded with box generation, solvation, and ion addition.

However, during this process, I encountered the following errors:

ERROR 1 [file, line 5]: Incorrect number of atomtypes for dihedral (4 instead of 2 or 4)
ERROR 2 [file, line 9]: Incorrect number of atomtypes for dihedral (4 instead of 2 or 4)

These errors suggest issues with the dihedral parameters in the ligand topology file.


Could you guide me on the correct steps to resolve these errors?
Is it acceptable to use CHARMM for ligand-protein interactions in terms of data quality, or should I continue trying to resolve the issues with Amber?
Any advice or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

It’s strange that lines 5 and 9 of your ligand topology would have dihedral entries (these are usually at the end). It would help to see the contents of your