No curve obtained when opening potential.xvg with xmgrace

GROMACS version: 2024
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
Here post your question

gmx energy -f em.edr -o potential.xvg

type “10 0” to select Potential (10); zero (0) terminates input.

xmgrace potential.xvg

Result: no curve is visable. The potential.xvg has been uploaded.

potential.xvg (25.0 KB)

The problem is the scale of the plot. Check the range of the y axis. The values drop so quickly it’s difficult to see anything:

    0.000000  1256710016.000000
    1.000000  37670224.000000
    2.000000  4075839.500000
    3.000000  324719.531250
    4.000000  -197021.078125
    5.000000  -304883.125000
    6.000000  -359751.250000
    7.000000  -444919.250000
    8.000000  -600577.250000
    9.000000  -695214.062500
   10.000000  -707332.062500

In xmgrace you can also address this by changing the max value of the y axis from 2e+09 to 2e+06.

OK. Moreover, does a sharp drop suggest there is something wrong in preparing molecular dynamics?

No, that’s good. You want the potential energy to go down during energy minimization. Perhaps there were some close contacts or unfavourable angles in the starting structure that gave a very high potential energy. As long as the energy minimization continues fine there’s no need to worry about the large drop.