Questions about some LJ parameters in charmm36 ff

GROMACS version:
GROMACS modification: Yes/No

I noticed something strange about the entries within the file “charmm36_ljpme-jul2022.ff/ffnonbonde.itp”, available on the MacKerell lab website

These are the ones from this contents down. (probably lines 541~597)
; from file toppar_c36_jul22/stream/misc/toppar_ions_won.str

The units for epsilon given in Table1, which is the reference for toppar_ions_won.str, are kJ/mol.

Why are the epsilon values in this file written as if they are kcal/mol converted to kJ/mol?

AG1P as an example,
When the epsilon value of AG1P provided in the reference is 0.2870 kJ/mol.
0.2870*4.184 = 1.200808.

; type atnum mass charge ptype sigma epsilon
AG1P 47 107.870000 0.000 A 0.216363662688 1.2008080 ; Silver

It’s the same as the file contents. But I think it should be 0.2870, not 1.200808.
I’m not sure which one is right. Maybe I’m just not thinking straight.

Thanks in advance for answers.

In that reference epsilon seems to be in kcal/mol whereas all energies are in kJ/mol.

I misread that, thank you.

I’m really sorry, but I can’t seem to find an explanation in the reference that the units for ε are kcal mol-1, could you point me to where? I assumed it was kJ mol-1 based on what was written at the bottom of Table1.

aCompiled data are from ref 10, where the hydration model depicts the ion as a sphere with the radius r that is surrounded by the hydration shell with the thickness Δr. ΔGhyd, ΔGcalcd, and ε are in kJ mol-1 and r, Δr, and Rmin are in pm.
bε is evaluated in eq 2 based on r and Δr.

I don’t see a unit for epsilon in table 1 (which is bad). But in the text epsilon has units kcal/mol.

Isn’t the unit of epsilon in kcal mol-1 only in the force field parameter of CHARMM (cgenff)…?
In gromacs, isn’t the unit of epsilon in kJ mol-1? Is charmm36_ljpme-jul2022.ff/ffnonbonde.itp specially using kcal/mol…?

The reference describes the following, it is the same as the value in Table 1.
The formula based on the hydration shell model yields ε values of 0.2007 kJ mol-1 for the sodium ion and 0.3600 kJ mol-1 for the potassium ion.

Yes, CHARMM uses kcal/mol, GROMACS kJ/mol.

The paper doesn’t mention the unit, but checking once more I expect epsilon should have unit kJ/mol.

Maybe @jalemkul can say more?

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The paper incorrectly states that ε is in kJ/mol. It is actually kcal/mol. The parameters in GROMACS are translated directly from the CHARMM toppar file provided by the author and I checked the energies (I had the same confusion some time ago when using those LJ parameters).


I don’t think the paper states the units of epsilon that are given in table 1. So not incorrect, but lacking (and confusing).

Okay. Thank you both.