am currently working on a MD simulation involving the protein 1QS4 with GROMACS, which contains four crystallographic water molecules and a Mg²⁺ ion in its active site. I have performed QM/MM calculations using Gaussian to generate the topology and GRO file for my system.
To stabilize the active site, I defined a position restraint file (posre.itp) for the protein, the four waters, and the Mg²⁺ ion, excluding hydrogen atoms. Using this setup, I could completed the energy minimization (EM) and NVT equilibration steps.
However, during the NPT equilibration step, I encountered LINC warnings, and the simulation stops. I have taken the following steps to resolve the issue, but without success:
- Changed the barostat to Berendsen.
- Increased the pressure coupling time constant (tau_p) to 5 ps.
Despite these changes, the issue persists. I am using GROMACS version 2018 for my simulations.
I suspect the issue might be related to the restrained water molecules or Mg²⁺ ion in the active site during NPT equilibration, but I am uncertain how to proceed.
I will be grateful someone can guide me how to fix my problem