Command line:
gmx grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p -r npt.gro -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt -o pull.tpr
GROMACS version: version 2022.4
GROMACS modification: No
Here post your question
When I followed Justin’s Gromacs tutorial of umbrella sampling, I encountered the following errors. So what should I look for
WARNING 1 [file, line 56]:
The following macros were defined in the ‘define’ mdp field with the -D
prefix, but were not used in the topology:
If you haven’t made a spelling error, either use the macro you defined,
or don’t define the macro
WARNING 2 [file, line 56]:
The GROMOS force fields have been parametrized with a physically
incorrect multiple-time-stepping scheme for a twin-range cut-off. When
used with a single-range cut-off (or a correct Trotter
multiple-time-stepping scheme), physical properties, such as the density,
might differ from the intended values. Since there are researchers
actively working on validating GROMOS with modern integrators we have not
yet removed the GROMOS force fields, but you should be aware of these
issues and check if molecules in your system are affected before
proceeding. Further information is available at
GROMACS can not reproduce properties with the GROMOS force fields - Redmine #2884 (#2884) · Issues · GROMACS / GROMACS · GitLab, and a longer
explanation of our decision to remove physically incorrect algorithms can
be found at On The Importance of Accurate Algorithms for Reliable Molecular Dynamics Simulations | Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | ChemRxiv | Cambridge Open Engage .
Program: gmx grompp, version 2022.4
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/readir.cpp (line 3077)
Fatal error:
Group Chain_A referenced in the .mdp file was not found in the index file.
Group names must match either [moleculetype] names or custom index group
names, in which case you must supply an index file to the ‘-n’ option
of grompp.