Error: file doesn`t match solv.gro file

GROMACS version: Jul2022
GROMACS modification: Yes/No
Here post your question
Good evening , dr

Im EmiliaKasi here, a researcher who is currently running MD simulation using the GROMACS by adhering to the online tutorial provided. However, im frequently encountering several error when running for Tutorial: Protein-Complex, and the common error will be on:

(Fatal error: number of coordinates in coordinate file (solv.gro, 505) does not match topology (, 3118)),

I have been trying several ways to troubleshoot this error, but never succeeded. Can you kindly tell me the mistakes or what improvements I should make in order to overcome this? I have attached below a snapshot of the error. Please have a look and I truly await your reply on this matter.

Thank you, for your time and consideration.

Kind regards

EmiliaKasi (703.7 KB)

This is most likely the topology not being updated after some change of the box, most likely after the solvation step!