KALP15 in DPPC: Area per lipid is negative

GROMACS version: 2019
GROMACS modification: No

I use the Justin Lemculus tutorial and enter the perl inflategro.pl system_inflated_em.gro 0.95 DPPC 0 system_shrink1.gro 5 area_shrink1.dat command, and it gives me:
Area per protein, upper half: 1.75 nm ^ 2
Area on lipid, top leaflet: -0.0277777777777777777778 nm ^ 2

Area per protein, lower half: 2 nm ^ 2
Area on lipid, lower leaflet: -0.0317460317460317 nm ^ 2
but before that it was
Area per protein, upper half: 1.75 nm ^ 2
Area on lipid, upper leaflet: 10.4755772444444 nm ^ 2

Area per protein, lower half: 2 nm ^ 2
Area on lipid, lower leaflet: 10.4716089904762 nm ^ 2
Why is the area negative? What could be the mistake ??