Why minimization becomes inf?

GROMACS version: 2019
GROMACS modification: Yes/No

I am simulating a system where it is consisted of ions, water, and membrane, and wall.
I programmed the wall.
so the schematic of the system is like wall, ions and water, then we have 3 membrane sheets on top of one another that is to say the distance between them is ~ 0.3 nm, and finally we have pure water.
The box size is ~ 30 3 3 nm.
My problem is that when I simulate the system without a pure water reservoir, I can get a reasonable maximum force; however, when I put the reservoir, the maximum force becomes inf. Also, when I checked min.gro on VMD, I saw that ions had moved to the reservoir of pure water and they were crystalized kinda.
I would be appreciative any hints on this.
I have also attached my min.top and conf.gro.
min.log (16.2 KB)
min.top (1.7 MB)


It is difficult to say without the coordinate file, but my guess is that your system is unstable due to, e.g., atoms overlapping or broken (too long) bonds.

it was overlapping.